Friday, March 26, 2010

Hey have you heard about our new blog?

Of course you have; you're reading it right now, silly.

Anyway, we're going to see where this goes. Giving 4 people space to write about whatever happens to pop into their heads? Heck, it's like a microcosm of the internet. But enough blogging about blogging (meta-blogging?) -- there are more important issues at hand.

The other day the TWWM team was having some discussions about the site design, etc. (via Google Wave, which I highly recommend if you're working on some kind of collaborative internet project) when I stopped everyone mid-conversation to tell them about the sandwich I was eating. It was that good a sandwich. Just simple peanut butter and jam (raspberry, with seeds) but it was a particularly transcendent sandwich. Actually, I'm going to paste for you an excerpt from my stream-of-consciousness thoughts at that moment. I don't think I could recreate it any better for you now:
"Crap guys. I'm eating another peanut butter and jelly sandwich on this bread and it's still amazing. I don't know that I've ever enjoyed a sandwich this much before. That's probably not true -- I've enjoyed quite a few sandwiches in my day. But the bar is usually set pretty low for PB&J and this has just blown away all of my expectations for the past 2 days. And the bread was on sale, too! How lucky is that? The name of the brand is "Nature's Pride", which every time I read it reminds me of "Nation's Pride," the Nazi propaganda movie in Inglourious Basterds. All in all, A++, would buy again."
I really do think it was the bread that did it. It was whole grain, soft but sturdy with a good heft to it. I've taken recently to buying the "natural" peanut butter that has the layer of oil on the top and you have to refrigerate. It's not particularly healthy, but I think there's something quaint about buying a food that only has one ingredient on the label.

At the time I was about 10 seconds away from posting the details of this sandwich to the TWWM twitter, but then I remembered that the main complaint people have about twitter is that it's just mundane crap like what people are eating for lunch. That being said, I don't have the same qualms about writing a blog post about this sandwich because there's space here to give it the description it deserves, and trust me, it deserves it.

It's sort of a strange thing that so many people have the same impulse to tweet about what they're eating, I suppose. But if you think about it, eating is one of those primary social things that humans do, and I guess it makes sense that people would want to try to force that into social networking somehow. It just doesn't come through the same in 140 characters, though. They should come up with a better way for people to eat together over the internet. "Google Food". That would be a great new project for them. For anyone trying to transition real-world social networks onto the internet, eating would be a good place to start.


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Blogger Brian said...

It seems to me that bread is often the most underrated component of the sandwich. Cheap bread is usually too light and flimsy, and gets squished or falls apart way too easily. I think that, like you said, heft is key. A quality heft should support the sandwich contents properly.

I guess my point is, don't overlook the bread!

March 26, 2010 at 11:31 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

Holy crap I think I want Panera for lunch.

March 26, 2010 at 11:58 AM  
Blogger Mike Doyle said...

When I read "Google Food" I thought of "Food Rules", the new book from Michael Pollan. 64 simple rules to think about when making decisions about what you eat, from where, and how it's made, etc.

March 26, 2010 at 1:55 PM  
Blogger MistahBoweh said...

Please don't give google any more ideas.

March 27, 2010 at 3:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I feel like bread quality is something Alton Brown promotes. He's got his noggin on straight.

March 27, 2010 at 12:48 PM  
Blogger Clare Doyle said...

Wow, so this is how you post a blog comment. I tried to do this the other day, but ended up starting my own blog - not really - just the set up for the blog. Speaking of food, I made a really delicious veggie pie for yesterdays family gathering. It was terrific. Fresh veggies and cheese and some garlic and herbs. I think I will try a cassarole today with the leftover uncooked veggies. Bread goes very nicely with this type of dish.

March 29, 2010 at 8:58 AM  

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